Mint Discs Alpha

5 products

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    Mint Discs Alpha Review

    The versatile Alpha is a do-it-all driver from the fledgling company Mint Discs. Every brand needs a tentpole disc, and the perfectly balanced Alpha fits the bill. It is an all-around workhorse for experienced players and an overstable control driver for newcomers. This Mint Discs Alpha review will break down which Alpha in stock and for sale will fit in your bag. 

    Mint Discs Alpha Plastics

    Mint uses MVP Disc Sports' factory to produce discs. While they do not use the same two-peice "overmold" design that MVP/Axiom employs, Mint's plastic blends will be very similar. 

    • Apex: Similar to MVP's flagship Neutron blend, Apex is a premium plastic with some flexibility and solid grip. Discs break in nicely in Apex, adding glide and distance with age. 
    • Eternal: Stiff and highly durable, this blend has a translucent look and is similar to Innova Champion or Discraft Z. Discs fly a bit more overstable in Eternal and will maintain original flight patterns for years. Similar to MVP's Proton blend. 
    • Sublime: An eye-catching blend with an iridescent sheen. Softer and more flexible than Eternal and has similar durability to Apex. Similar to MVP's Plasma blend. 
    • Royal: The baseline blend. Discs will fly more understable in this plastic. Similar to MVP's Electron blend.

    Mint Discs Alpha Flight Numbers

    • Speed: 8
    • Glide: 4
    • Turn: 0
    • Fade: 2

    The Alpha has the classic specs of a jack-of-all-trades driver for serious golfers. Its torque resistance will hold the line without getting flippy, while the reliable yet gentle fade will keep the disc finishing in the fairway. The Alpha also features high-end speed for a control driver, giving it some extra distance potential on low-ceiling tunnel shots. 


    • Diameter: 21.1cm
    • Height: 2.1cm
    • Rim Depth: 1.2cm
    • Rim Width: 2.0cm

    The shape of any particular Alpha will vary a bit based on the plastic. A stiff and durable Eternal Alpha tends to have less height and a lower profile, while the more flexible Apex and Sublime versions have some more dome on top. But that is not a hard and fast rule. To help customers, Mint prints a serial number on each Alpha, which you can look up on their website.

    Regardless of plastic and dome, the fairly wide 2.0cm rim stays the same. This extra width gives the Alpha more speed and distance potential. A comparable disc, such as the Innova Thunderbird, has a thinner rim but a higher listed speed. This extra bit of juice leads Mint to label the Alpha as a "power fairway" driver.  


    Approved by the PDGA in 2017, the Alpha is the first disc Mint Discs ever designed. Two years passed before Mint added another disc, but they have ramped up production and now have a full lineup of options. The Alpha remains one of their most widely available molds and is an excellent introduction to the brand. 

    Skill Level Recommendations

    • Novice: Beginners will want a slower and less stable disc for their primary driver, but the Alpha could work as an overstable utility disc. 
    • Intermediate: A predictable stable driver that you can build a bag around. Very workable in the mid-flight with a reliable hyzer finish. 
    • Advanced: The control and accuracy of a fairway driver with a bit of extra speed and distance potential. Bigger arms can throw the Alpha on dead straight laser beams.
    • Pro: Straight-flying control driver for technical shots. Elite arms will be able to hyzer-flip the Alpha.
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